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Here's Looking at You, KidAutumn the season that teaches us, the change can be beautifulA face only a mother could loveFee, Fi, Fo, Fum, I smell...On Golden PondBursting at the SeamsCountry roads, take me home, To the place I belongEvery Teddy Bear who's been good is sure of a treat today, There's lots of marvelous things to eat, and wonderful games to playLiving in a material world, and I am a material girlEverything has beauty but not everyone sees itRose of SharonA rive just doesn't carry water, it carries lifeDown the Rabbit HoleHang On Snoopy, Snoopy Hang OnDancing with the WavesWe left our love in ash where a mighty fire once roaredTake the time to enjoy the earth's natural beauty, and smile that you're a part of itI like this place and could willingly waste my time in itIn Every Walk with Nature One Sees Far More Than He SeeksIt is the nature of stone to be satisfied.  It is the nature of water to want to be somewhere else.