Amit Bakshi-Canadian SoccerAmit Bakshi-Ski RaceAnne Lacourt-WatersportBill Bentley-Last HurdleFIRST PLACE - Bill Bentley-Pack MentalityBill Jorgensen-Long Distance BuddiesBill Jorgensen-The Cumby StartsBruce Johnstone-ConcentrationBruce Johnstone-The RushBruce Moffat-Show Jumper Head On StaredownBruce Moffat-Fly StellairCindy Powell-Around the BendCindy Powell-Over the HurdleDon Tait-All Eyes On the BallDon Tait-Find the BallFernanda Gimenez-Warrior PoseJim Whyte-My BallTHIRD PLACE - Jim Whyte-Ring the BellKatie Hubberstey-Last Push to the FinishSECOND PLACE - Katie Hubberstey-Stunt Rider